In the context of the exhibition "At the coalface. Design in a post-carbon age", we propose a moment of reflection on fossil fuels, such as coal.
Programme for the evening:
6.30 pm: guided tour of the exhibition At the coalface. Design in a post-carbon.
7.30 pm: conference What life for fossil fuels today? In the context of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, our energy resources (gas and oil) will be limited and expensive
6.30 pm: guided tour of the exhibition Au charbon! For a post-carbon design
7.30 pm: conference
What life for fossil fuels today? In the context of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, our energy sources (gas and oil) will be scarce and expensive.
Will we have to consider a return to coal mining?
With Nicolas Dupont, Mining engineer and PhD in Applied Geology, Léo Coppens, research in environmental economics, financial department of the Warocqué Faculty of Economics and Management (UMons) and Patrick Brocorens, President of the Belgian section of the ASPO (Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas).
Moderation: Giovanna Massoni, curator of the exhibition.
The conference will be followed by a drink
Price: €10
Reservations on +32 (0)65 61 39 02 or before 2 January 2023
Credits: photo from the film Slow violence © Joanie Lemercier.